This document contains description guidelines for Resource and Archival Objects. In Special Collections and Archives, each archival collection should be assigned a description level, on a scale from 1 to 3. Level 3 represents the highest level of description a collection may receive; Level 1 is the lowest.

To view specific data entry instructions for ArchivesSpace records, click here.

Level 1 Description

At Level 1, the Resource should contain the following metadata properties…

At Level 1, the Resource components should be described as follows…

Level 2 Description

At Level 2, in addition to the specifications from the levels above, the Resource should contain the following metadata properties…

At Level 2, in addition to the specifications from the levels above, the Resource components should be described to the folder level, containing the following metadata properties…

Level 3 Description

There are no additional required metadata properties for Resources at Level 3, beyond those required for Level 2 description.

At Level 3, in addition to the specifications from the levels above, Resource components should be described to the item level, to a degree suitable for MODS export and ingest in the digital repository.

Specific Instructions